Pre-Release Program

preparing for release

  • Reentry team communicates with client to confirm release date

  • Reentry team works with prison to provide Drivers License and SS ID card.

  • Identify immediate needs - transportation from prison, housing and clothing needs, cell phone, etc.

  • Begin developing reentry plan (housing, work/job training, addiction treatment, mental health resources, etc.)  

Release Program

reentering society and ensuring stability

  • Communicate with client to ensure reentry plan is effective; adjust as needed

  • Assist as needed with basics - phone, housing, job issues, chemical dependency requirements

  • Provide emotional support and check ins due to the overwhelming nature of being newly released after long incarceration

  • Provide necessary civil legal aid, if necessary

  • Engage clients in 8 to 10 week reintegration program

Mentoring Group

strengthening and developing support groups to assist in healing process

  • Run by former incarcerated individuals and SCP staff mentors

  • Group includes past clients with reentry experience as well as newly released clients.

  • Meet twice a month to share experiences and provide mental/ emotional support

  • Mentors help newly released process their experience, providing guidance and understanding

Financial Literacy Class

growing financial skills and knowledge

  • Provide support for released individuals to learn essential financial skills which help successful reentry.

  • Training classes to ensure people have the skills to budget, understand credit card debt, how to pay bills, and other basic financial needs to set clients up for financial success.

Career Development

building a career to reflect passion and goals

  • We partner with Microsoft volunteers that help individuals in all aspects of developing a career.

  • These include: help to create a professional resume, research companies that are aligned with the client’s interests, how to approach advancement in their current workplace.

  • SCP works with businesses to develop hiring partnerships; these tend to blossom further as they see how amazing our clients are.

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Anthony working to connect with many clients!

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