Note: This is an invitation-only convening of leaders and practitioners in the executive and judicial branches of government who have performed the day-to-day second look review work over the past five years.

Event Overview

Program Agenda

Speaker Biographies

      I.         History of Sentencing Laws in Washington State

  1. Timeline: WA Sentencing Laws Prior to Adoption of Sentencing Reform Act (SRA)

    1. WA Sentencing History Leading Up to Adoption of SRA — Sentencing Guidelines Commission

  2. Understanding the Proliferation of Long and Life Sentences In Washington | Minority and Justice Commission Presentation (2024)

    1. Katherine Beckett, Ph.D and Heather D. Evans, Ph.D, University of Washington

  3. About Time: How Life and Long Sentences Fuel Mass Incarceration | ACLU of Washington ( Part I - Part IV

    1. Katherine Beckett, Ph.D and Heather D. Evans, Ph.D, University of Washington

  4.  Justice Is Not a Game: The Devastating Racial Inequity of Washington's Three Strikes Law

    1. Melissa R. Lee, Jessica Levin, Civil Rights Clinic at Seattle University School of Law, Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality

II.         Facts About Sentencing and Safety

  1. About Time: How Life and Long Sentences Fuel Mass Incarceration | ACLU of Washington ( Part V

    1. Katherine Beckett, Ph.D and Heather D. Evans, Ph.D, University of Washington

  2. WA DOC Fact Sheet: Aging Prison Population

    1. Vasiliki Georgoulas-Sherry, Ph.D., Hanna Hernandez , M.A., David D. Luxton, Ph.D.

  3. Nothing But Time: Elderly Americans Serving LWOP

    1. Ashley Nellis, Ph.D., The Sentencing Project

III.         Evidence from Second Look Review in Washington

  1. Sentencing Reform in Washington State: Progress and Pitfalls (2024)

    1. Katherine Beckett, Ph.D and Allison Goldberg, Ph.C, University of Washington

  2. Extraordinary Medical Placement

    1. Senate Bill 5101 Final Bill Report

    2. Key Discretionary Review and Resentencing Pathways: Addressing Mass Incarceration in Washington State | Seattle Clemency Project: Page 4 — Extraordinary Medical Placement: Early Release for the Seriously or Terminally Ill

  3. Clemency Outcomes 2013-2023 | Seattle Clemency Project (2024)

  4. Prosecutor-Initiated Resentencing in Washington - The Impact of SB 6164

    1. Katherine Beckett, Ph.D and Allison Goldberg, Ph.C, University of Washington

  5. Juvenile Parole

    1. Progress Report, Seattle Clemency Project (2024)

    2. ISRB 2022-23 Bi-Annual Report

  6. Senate Bill 5164: A Closer Look, Seattle Clemency Project (2024)

IV.         Prosecutor-Initiated Resentencing Toolkits

  1. For the People: Prosecutor-Initiated Resentencing Toolkit (2022)

  2. Prosecutor-Initiated Resentencing Toolkit, Prepared by Washington Institute of Leadership Fellows for Washington State Prosecutors (2024)