What is clemency?
Clemency is the act of the governor of Washington to absolve an inmate of their sentence. This generally results in an early release from prison.
What is the clemency board?
The Clemency & Pardons Board is a panel made of 5 individuals appointed by the governor. They serve 4 year terms. They hear petitions from individuals, organizations, and the DOC (Department of Corrections).
Does the board decide?
No. The board hears the cases. They vote and the result of the vote is provided to the governor. The governor has the ultimate decision. Sometimes the governor can still say no, even if there is a 5-0 recommendation to release.
What is ISRB?
The Indeterminate Sentence Review Board (ISRB) is a separate board that reviews cases for what is known as the “Miller Family” in which minors were sentenced to life in prison without parole when they were juveniles.
How long does the clemency process take?
The process can take as long as long as 3 years. Once a clemency petition is filed, it takes 3-6 months to find out if you are granted a hearing. If you win your hearing, it can take the governor 6-12 months to make a decision. If you are granted relief by the governor, it can take an additional 12-18 months before you are released.
My family does not have resources to pay for legal fees. Can I still use SCP services?
Yes! We match potential clients with free (pro bono) lawyers that volunteer their time. There will be no charge to you.
A commutation is a reduction in the length of time of one’s sentence. A pardon is a full forgiveness and restores full rights of citizenship.